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Time capsule time for Year 6!


Year 3 enjoyed their trip to yesterday, taking part in the local history workshop, and exploring the Ancient Egyptian exhibit. A huge thanks to Nat for her informative and engaging talk!


Year 6 loved their time at PGL Marchant’s Hill, Surrey 🛏️🧗🏻


Year 6 enjoyed their time at PGL Marchant’s Hill, Surrey🛏🧗


Year 6 loved their time at PGL Marchants Hill, Surrey🛏️🧗‍♀️


Yew Class painted their volcanoes yesterday, ready for their eruption on Thursday! They look absolutely amazing🌋


It has been lovely to see some of our children inspired by our displays around the school. Two Year 1 children took it upon themselves to have a go at creating their own masterpieces at home.


Elm Class have really enjoyed collecting data. We visited our school car park to see the different colours of cars


Maple Class finished their learning about Picasso-style art by producing some fantastic distorted portraits.


Yew Class have started making their erupting volcanoes this afternoon. The children worked very hard to keep the newspaper under control in the wind, and look forward to painting their creations next week 🌋🎨


Year 6 enjoyed their visit from Francis of Reform Restore Respect today to talk about his life after prison and how he now helps schools and the police. The children learnt a great deal and asked very thoughtful questions.


Fantastic trip to hear talk about her books and the inspiration behind them. The children were enthralled. Thanks to and for inviting us to this amazing event.


Year 1 loved recreating their very own shop today. They were very excited to use different combinations of coins to pay for their items.


Year 1 have loved writing their very own newspaper reports about the pesky pirates coming to Dull-On-Sea.


Ash Class spent an enjoyable afternoon on an arithmetic scavenger hunt in the woods today. Well done to those who completed the challenge.


After receiving an amazing letter from Hazel Class have been designing their own dragons.


On Wednesday, we had a very creative afternoon designing our very own dots. We developed our artistic skills, persevered and felt proud of the final outcomes.


KS2 enjoying the sun, new chalk boards and sports equipment at lunch time!


On Monday, we held our ‘Cultural Fair’ to celebrate different countries and cultures. The fair was a huge success and the children learnt lots about the different countries including languages spoken there and traditions followed. Thank you so much to everyone who helped!


Key Stage 2 had a wonderful morning being entertained by a Music Roadshow from . This children were very inspired and will hopefully now go on to learn to play an instrument. Thank you for coming to see us.


Elm Class have been on a tree hunt to find some deciduous and evergreen trees. Can find any trees at home?


Reading for pleasure in our wonderful library. What a lovely end to the week in Sycamore Class!


Year 6 had a great morning with Dr Crouch from Invicta, learning about colour reactions, acids and alkalis for our Science Week.


Year 6 loved their trip to see ‘The Lion King’. Thank you to the PTA for this fabulous experience.


‘A Day with a Difference’ was an absolutely wonderful way to begin Term 6, in Elm Class! We worked really hard on developing our skills in sports and really enjoyed the teamwork element, showing what great sports men and women we are.

    Learning Environment

    We show our children trust and they learn they can be trusted.  We treat them with respect and get respectful behaviour in return.  We put them in a beautiful place; give them a small taste of what a decent, dignified future might feel like, and that makes all the difference.  The beauty we have designed in our centre isn’t just window dressing; it is an essential part of our success.  It nourishes the spirit, and until you reach that part of the spirit that isn’t touched by cynicism or despair, no change can begin.” Bill Strickland

    “A clean and well-kept building guarantees nothing about the quality of work children will accomplish within it.  But it matters.  It’s a message.  It’s a visual model of the ethic within the building.  The building doesn’t have to be a palace but it has to show the children, the teachers, and the parents that somebody cares about them.  I don’t think this is possible without local pride.  When a community is proud of its schools, the children who live there become part of this ethic.” Ron Berger

    “It is almost impossible to say that there is a mathematical relationship between the beauty of his surroundings and the activity of the child; he will make discoveries rather more voluntarily in a gracious setting than in an ugly one.” Dr Maria Montessori

    During lockdown and into the summer holidays many changes were afoot here at Aylesford Primary School.  Amongst the most visible of these has been the transformation of the Learning Environment.  As a school we decided to embrace the time that lockdown gifted us; classrooms were cleared and decluttered and corridor displays were created ready to celebrate pupil learning outcomes from our new and exciting curriculum.  Magical and inviting book corners appeared in every classroom to help inspire and support a love of books and reading.  Sadly, we are unable to welcome visitors into school for the foreseeable future.  However, we wanted to share with you some of the exciting changes that have taken place. 

    We want our Learning Environment to be aspirational for our pupils; our displays model the excellence that we expect in published writing and artwork so that the children can really take pride when their own learning is published.  Our corridors showcase the artwork of talented students at Invicta Grammar school, demonstrating to our younger pupils what they might achieve as their learning journey progresses towards secondary school.

    Within classrooms, working walls for key subjects focus on current learning reinforcing, with visual reminders, key aspects and vocabulary and demonstrating clearly to the children what their learning outcomes should look like.  This approach models the ‘Teaching Backwards’ technique, promoted by Andy Griffith and Mark Burns, who recently ran a one-day workshop for VIAT primary school staff. 

    You can see some of our fantastic displays below - just click on the titles for our galleries! 

    Our corridors

    1   2   3   4   5   7   8   9   1010   11   12

    Book Corners

    1   2      4   3   5   

    Learning Walls

    1   2   3   4


    1   2   3   4

    Aspirational Art

    1   2   3