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Elder Class had great fun last week completing work and activities based around Child Mental Health Week. We thought about what helps our mental health and how to express our emotions.


As part of our Mental Health Awareness Week, we have looked at the importance we play in groups. We also recognise that we are all unique and special.


Elm Class have really enjoyed their print making afternoon. It has been great to learn about the pressure that is needed to create a mark on the tiles.


Year 5 were thrilled to receive a signed photograph from Tim Peake. We certainly loved learning about him.


Number Day in KS1 at Aylesford has been the most amazing celebration of maths and fun! Year 2 can’t wait to try out their TT Rockstars logins for their times tables at home


Number day raising money for


Some of the amazing outfits seen today


Sycamore Class have loved making a class memory box for Children’s Mental Health Week. We are looking forward to adding our memories and feelings all year.


Thank you so much to the parents for supporting our Year 2 showcase session. We are looking forward to seeing how quickly they can grow and care for a healthy plant!


Congratulations to the four Year 5 and 6 children who took part in the Invicta Primary STEM Challenge. It was a fantastic event, they had an amazing time and we comfortably beat 10 other schools to first place!


REMINDER: Number day is this Friday (7th February). We can not wait to see your number and rockstar outfits! Please remember to donate £1 using the link below. https://www.just


Year 5 have loved learning about the history of space exploration this term. This week we have learned all about and his life onboard the ISS.


Our street art designs are showing great progress! Year 2 have used a huge range of skills to cut out and print their stencils.


Well done to Olivia in Sycamore class who was very proud after she won this medal for her amazing serving at her local tennis club! Keep up your hard work.


As part of their Geography learning, Year 6 made Cloud Finders and took them outside to identify which type of clouds we were experiencing today. They unanimously agreed we had a covering of stratus clouds which were the cause of the light rain.


Year 5 enjoyed their Sister Act dance and drama workshop. Thank you


Sausage rolls and fruit kebabs made at cooking club tonight! Delicious!#HealthEating


Year 5 were absolutely thrilled to receive a reply from school and hear about the difference their art work, cards and money raised has made to the staff and children.


Year 6 created fantastic mood boards in Art using a range of resources. These really helped develop their ideas for the WW2 propaganda posters they are going to make.


At lunch today, Luna and Victoria drew a fantastic diagram of our solar system on the chalkboards and gave a group of younger children a quick Science lesson! Well done, girls, for sharing your excellent subject knowledge!


Excellent map work and geographical skills in Year 2 day. The children loved trying a range of French foods whilst exploring facts about France in their country study.


We were thrilled to see so many children in KS1 earning their Basil Bear for 100 reads today. Such great commitment to their daily reading!


Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their science workshop this morning. They learnt a lot about optical illusions and chemical reactions.


Year 5 had a great learning launch for their topic of space this term. We even tried space food!


Year 3 making their moving monsters with a pneumatic system in DT this week!


Mathematics at Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford

Mathematics is a central aspect of our curriculum at Aylesford. We strive to create mathematical curiosity, passion and enjoyment. We place great emphasis on learning through games, problems and practical tasks.  We aim to ensure that all children become fluent in number facts and times tables as soon as possible.

We use the White Rose Hub planning documents, which follow the National Curriculum for Mathematics and it has a strong emphasis on developing conceptual understanding in Mathematics. We focus on problem solving and reasoning together with developing a fluency that will enable children to be life-long learners of Mathematics.  The children are encouraged to explain their thinking to a partner and ask and answer questions such as ‘Why did this happen?’, ‘Can you see the pattern?’ and ‘Can you predict what might happen next?’

At Aylesford, we believe that all children can be high achievers in Mathematics.  The children use lots of practical resources (including Dienes, Numicon and Place Value Counters) and pictures to demonstrate and visualise more abstract ideas, alongside numbers and symbols. Mathematical concepts are explored in a variety of contexts to give pupils a richer and deeper learning experience.

Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford, l has developed a consistent approach to the teaching of written calculations in order to establish continuity and progression throughout the school. Please see our latest Calculation Policy for more information. This has been designed so that children learn and understand how and why we use these written methods, rather than just learn each calculation as a procedure.

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

Parent Presentations

My Maths Parent Presentation

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) 2024


Websites for Parents

We are making lots of use of online activities here at school. Along with Times Table Rock Stars (your child will have received log in details from their class teacher) there are lots out there that you can use with your child.

Children learn best through practise and consolidating the skills that they have learnt. It is important that the children enjoy this practise as it can sometimes be a long process to master these skills.  We all know that children love technology so they should find these games and activities engaging and fun!

Primary Games - Here you will find lots of games and challenges covering many mathematical concepts.

Top Marks Maths Games - There are lots of games, many of them are tablet friendly too. Organised into age appropriate games, there are plenty of challenges for all ages.

Internet Based Games and Activities relating to Place Value and Number

Chinese Dragon Ordering Numbers Learn to order numbers by playing this fun Chinese Dragon game!

Underwater Counting Game Learn to count up to 10 sea creatures accurately with this fun underwater themed game!

Give the Dog a Bone Explore the 100 square.

Spin to Win Create the highest number to win the round.

Eggs to Order (KS1) Ordering numbers according to place value.

Eggs to Order (KS2) The extended version that includes decimal numbers too.

Super Sid's Decimal Challenge Can you match the decimal numbers to create the target number?

Ghostblasters: Operation Even Shoot down the even-numbered ghosts.

Ghostblasters: Operation Odd Shoot down the odd-numbered ghosts.

Splat Square Splat the numbers in different colours. Play games, look for patterns and learn your numbers to 100!

Playing Board Games

Practising maths skills doesn’t have to be computer-based.  There are lots of fun ways in which you can bring maths to life for your child through simple games and activities. Whether out shopping, using the context of money to help develop your child's skills, or helping them to better understand measurement when baking or putting together the new rabbit's hutch, there's always an opportunity for a 'maths moment'!

Board games can be great for developing a child's maths skills too!  Playing these can be a really powerful way for young children to become comfortable with our number system, spotting patterns and literally playing with numbers. Some board games sneak in counting, sequencing and strategy as your child plays.

Page Downloads Date  
Maths Policy 05th Jan 2023 Download
EYFS Calculation Policy 05th Jan 2023 Download
Key Stage 1 Calculation Policy 05th Jan 2023 Download
Lower KS2 calculation policy 05th Jan 2023 Download
Upper KS2 Calculation Policy 05th Jan 2023 Download